Do Top Performers Seem to Migrate Towards your Competition? RecruiterGuy, Bill Humbert, Talks about How to Gain the Competitive Edge.
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Episode 009 Summary
In this episode, Drew gets a lesson in résumé building and attracting top talent from Bill Humbert (AKA RecruiterGuy). Many companies have Top Talent Attraction challenges. Bill poses the question leaders must answer about their organization: Do top performers seem to migrate towards your competition?
About Bill Humbert, RecruiterGuy
Bill Humbert (AKA RecruiterGuy) is acontract recruitment consulting experience will partner with you to develop a plan to attract the top talent. We have conducted successful contract recruitment assignments in cybersecurity (physical and software), technology, sales, marketing, finance, food and consumer product manufacturing, human resources, renewable energy construction, electrical contracting, and IT.
RecruiterGuy, Bill Humbert, of Provocative Thinking Consulting, Inc. is a professional speaker, an expert contract recruitment consultant since 1981, and award winning author. He is a graduate of Assumption College in Worcester, MA.
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