There's nothing spookier than unplanned downtime. Well, perhaps one thing, but will get to that old Irish legend later. But speaking of Ireland, Burnie & Les recently visited to provide some maintenance solutions. As always, they have two very different approaches to the same problem. In their offtime at The Temple Bar, Les continues to make his case for a proactive approach to electrical maintenance while Burnie makes a quick exit.
Welcome to the HUMPDAY blog; the official blog of Grace Technologies. Subscribe today by entering your information into the form on the right. Each week, we publish topics on electrical safety, predictive maintenance, and more. Welcome to the "more" side of the HUMPDAY blog where we take a look back at the history of Halloween and the legend that started it all.
I have often wondered where the origin of the Jack O'Lantern comes from so I did some research and came across this tall tale. This is The Legend of Stingy Jack:
According to one old tale, there was a wily fellow known as Stingy Jack, a man fond of drink and of tricking anyone he could. One chilly Halloween night, he found himself in a tavern alongside none other than the Devil. In a moment of sly thinking, Jack agreed to hand over his soul in return for just one more drink. Obliging him, the Devil turned into a sixpence to settle the tab, but Jack snatched the coin and tucked it away in his pocket beside a silver cross. Trapped by the holy symbol, the Devil was powerless to change shape or escape. Jack refused to let him go until the Devil vowed not to claim Jack’s soul for a decade.
Ten years later, Jack crossed paths with the Devil again on a lonely country lane. The Devil appeared to collect his due, but Jack stalled for time, requesting an apple from a tree before surrendering. Naively assuming no risk, the Devil climbed up after the fruit. Swiftly, Jack surrounded the trunk with crosses, snaring the Devil yet again. This time, Jack demanded a promise that his soul would never be taken at all. Left with no choice, the Devil unhappily agreed.
Years passed, and eventually Jack died. When he reached the gates of Heaven, he was turned away because of his deceitful life. He then tried his luck in Hell, but the Devil honored their agreement and refused him entry. Desperate and alone, Jack asked for at least a light to help him wander the darkness. As a final gesture, the Devil tossed him a burning ember from Hell’s fire. Jack placed the ember inside a turnip he’d hollowed out—a stolen favorite of his—creating a small lantern. Ever since, Jack has roamed the earth endlessly, guided only by the glow of his carved turnip.
In England, large beets are used. Immigrants from these countries brought the Jack O’Lantern tradition with them when they came to the United States. They soon found that pumpkins, a fruit native to America, make perfect Jack O’Lanterns.
This year for Halloween, Burnie dressed up in his Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suit while Les came to work as himself. This is because Halloween with the GraceSense Hot Spot Monitor is just like any other day; you have nothing to be afraid of.
The permanently installed temperature monitoring device will continuously monitor critical asset connections so you can avoid the hassle of periodic inspections. When anomalous and spooky behavior is detected, it will provide alerts via SMS or email to let you know attention is required.
No tricks! Just a treat: Learn more about enhancing safety and productivity with the insights of GraceSense predictive monitoring devices and how to reduce downtime in the process. You can download our FREE eBook by clicking below: