Most employers may not have Electrical Safety Programs developed or if they have the Electrical Safety Program may not be compliant. This webinar will focus on presenting information to answer questions and provide guidance.
Does an Employer Need an Electrical Safety Program? Do you know the answer to this question?
Do you have an Electrical Safety Program developed and implemented? If you do, has the Electrical Safety Program been audited?
What information should a compliant Electrical Safety Program include?
How can an employer be successful in developing and implementing an Electrical Safety Program?
This webinar will provide a platform for information to be provided to the attendee to answer these questions and more. Breaks in the presentation will allow for immediate questions to be answered during the webinar.
Presenter: Terry Becker, P.Eng., CESCP, IEEE Senior Member
Terry Becker has over decades years of experience as an Electrical Engineer, with 12 years devoted explicitly to electrical safety. Terry is the First Past Vice-Chair of the CSA Z462 Workplace electrical safety Standard, and a founding Voting Member since 2006. Terry is also a founding member and Voting Member of the CSA Z463 Maintenance of electrical systems Standard. Terry is a Voting Member of the IEEE 1584 Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations Technical Committee. Terry has provided electrical safety consulting and arc flash and shock training across Canada in all industry sectors.