Metals Industry
One of the most critical assets unique to Torrance Casting facility’s environment is a furnace that connects directly from a medium voltage transformer to a motor control cabinet operating at 575V. After analyzing the safety concerns for workers operating within this cabinet and gathering data from ASG Electric, Torrance enhanced their safety program with Grace’s Permanent Electrical Safety Devices (PESDs.) Learn more about the results and benefits in Case Study: Torrance Casting.
Food & Beverage Industry
Due to the fast-paced nature employees work in the food and beverage industry, injuries are more likely to occur. Read how investing in a Voltage Test Station (VTS) makes personnel feel safer and increases productivity due to the efficiency of this presence of voltage indication and absence of voltage testing device in the Case Study: Furmano's Foods.
Water & Wastewater Industry
A partial power outage left a city in Virginia without 200 wastewater lift stations. Grace teamed with local distributors for a solution using the Grace PESD® Voltage Test Station (VTS), a combination unit of Safe-Test Point® Voltage Portal & R-3W Voltage Indicator mounted within a protective housing. Learn the cost savings when the time frame for LOTO testing and resetting the station was reduced from 45-minutes to 5 minutes in the Case Study: Wastewater Utility